terça-feira, janeiro 31, 2006

A crise da Europa

O historiador Martin Kugler está a desenvolver um projecto chamado "Europa por Cristo!", que tem por objectivo devolver a audácia aos cristãos (Católicos e Protestantes) e ajudá-los a que estejam seriamente activos na construção da Europa. Participa neste projecto Rocco Buttiglione que, como se sabe, foi impedido de ser Comissário da UE pela manifestação da sua Fé e pelas suas convicções.
Retirei este texto:
"The political and cultural crisis of Europe has further intensified in the early years of the new millennium. The most recent debates have revealed the extent of the crisis to a wider public: one million signatures for a reference to God in the preamble to the proposed EU constitution were ignored, the rejection of Rocco Buttiglione as a member of the EU Commission on the basis of his Christian convictions, the so-called anti-discrimination laws in several countries have a tendency to discriminate against Christians, the promotion of research involving the use of human embryos and the attempts to legalise euthanasia which undermine a clear understanding of the inherent dignity of the human being; etc. Our society is in uncharted waters; what is "normal" can no longer be spoken; the "abnormal" has become the new norm. Europe has no future unless it can "find its way home". "Europe, become what you are!" - this was the appeal of Pope John Paul II to our continent at the beginning of the third millennium. And yet it seems that Catholics across wide swathes of Europe would rather persist in passive acquiescence. The project presented here aspires, in a step-by-step manner, to help Christians emerge from this part-voluntary, part-involuntary ghetto existence."